Saturday, May 29, 2010

Recipe of the week: Yummy Butter Cookies Plus

In my previous job, I worked with a huge jerk. Everything that cam our of his mouth was littered with insults, degradation or just plain ignorant comments. After about two weeks, I completely stopped listening to him and starting picturing his head as a mixing bowl. I brainstormed some of my most delicious creations thanks to him.
This week, during a particularly contentious conference call, I decided I wanted to make butter cookies filled with butter-infused chocolate.
8 oz unsalted butter
3/4 cup white sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 and 1/2 tsps vanilla extract
1 egg yolk
2 cups flour

Grape or raspberry preserves
5 squares semisweet baking chocolate
1 tbsp butter

  • Cream together butter, sugar, salt and vanilla until creamy.
  • Beat in egg yolk. Ensure this is well incorporated, scraping the sides of the bowl at least once.
  • Add flour and mix until just incorporated.
  • At this point, I did two things:

1. Chocolate-filled mini-muffin shaped butter cookies: I filled a greased and floured mini-muffin tin 3/4 full and baked at 325 degrees for 14 minutes. About halfway through baking, I made thumbprint indentations in each cookie. Remove and cool once the edges start to turn golden. Concurrently, I melted one tbsp of butter and five large squares of semisweet baking chocolate. Once the cookies cooled, I added the butter-infused chocolate into the indentation. My husband LOVED these. Note: The chocolate will not set because of the butter. If you want hardened chocolate, use Gulf Wax instead of butter.

2. Grape Sandwich Cookies: While the abovementioned cookies were baking, I rolled out the cookies and made a log, wrapped in wax paper and put it in the freezer. After about ten minutes, I pulled it out and cut 1/8 inch thick cookies. I baked these for about 8-10 minutes. Be sure to pull these out as soon as the edges turn golden. These should be soft, so it's better to pull out early than overcook. I cooled these, added sugar free grape preserves and made sandwiches. They are light, fluffy and very tasty.

1 comment:

  1. I may have to make the first ones, they look so amazingly good!
