Monday, May 17, 2010

Losing weight...or trying

So, I started WeightWatchers again. While I am about the same size I was when I got married, I I want to lose weight. My goal is to lose about 40 pounds, which would put me right in the middle of my healthy "goal" weight. I am going to do this right and slowly.

When I got engaged, I immediately decided not to go on a crazy yo-yo diet like so many brides I knew. I wanted to look like me, and not like an emaciated version of myself. I never wanted anyone to look at my wedding photos and say "Wow, that doesn't even look like were so...thin." So I didn't lose weight. I maintained and made efforts to stay healthy at my size. I felt like a beautiful bride and I looked like me. Here's me:

I know I will need lots of support and help. My first goal is to ONLY bake things I don't like. It doesn't help that my husband has a sky-high metabolism and I work a zillion hours a week and eat at the office. BUT I know I am stubborn and if I set my mind to something I can do it.
Is anyone else out there on Weight Watchers? Do you have tips, tricks or advice you can offer?

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying my first visit to your blog. My advice to you is to eat a balanced diet and get in a LOT of cardio. "Glistening" is the key! Cardio is the only way I keep the extra pounds off and trust me, I eat!
