Saturday, May 29, 2010

Recipe of the week: Yummy Butter Cookies Plus

In my previous job, I worked with a huge jerk. Everything that cam our of his mouth was littered with insults, degradation or just plain ignorant comments. After about two weeks, I completely stopped listening to him and starting picturing his head as a mixing bowl. I brainstormed some of my most delicious creations thanks to him.
This week, during a particularly contentious conference call, I decided I wanted to make butter cookies filled with butter-infused chocolate.
8 oz unsalted butter
3/4 cup white sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 and 1/2 tsps vanilla extract
1 egg yolk
2 cups flour

Grape or raspberry preserves
5 squares semisweet baking chocolate
1 tbsp butter

  • Cream together butter, sugar, salt and vanilla until creamy.
  • Beat in egg yolk. Ensure this is well incorporated, scraping the sides of the bowl at least once.
  • Add flour and mix until just incorporated.
  • At this point, I did two things:

1. Chocolate-filled mini-muffin shaped butter cookies: I filled a greased and floured mini-muffin tin 3/4 full and baked at 325 degrees for 14 minutes. About halfway through baking, I made thumbprint indentations in each cookie. Remove and cool once the edges start to turn golden. Concurrently, I melted one tbsp of butter and five large squares of semisweet baking chocolate. Once the cookies cooled, I added the butter-infused chocolate into the indentation. My husband LOVED these. Note: The chocolate will not set because of the butter. If you want hardened chocolate, use Gulf Wax instead of butter.

2. Grape Sandwich Cookies: While the abovementioned cookies were baking, I rolled out the cookies and made a log, wrapped in wax paper and put it in the freezer. After about ten minutes, I pulled it out and cut 1/8 inch thick cookies. I baked these for about 8-10 minutes. Be sure to pull these out as soon as the edges turn golden. These should be soft, so it's better to pull out early than overcook. I cooled these, added sugar free grape preserves and made sandwiches. They are light, fluffy and very tasty.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Costco creepiness

Left in the dairy section for stocking elsewhere, I suppose.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Recipe of the Week: Moderately Healthy but Very Yummy Pizza

I spent Friday and this past weekend in Washington DC, where I extended a business trip to have a fun weekend with friends. While there, we had a girls dinner at the delicious Seventh Hill Pizza in Eastern Market. I copied this recipe from their Eastern Market Pizza. We devoured it before taking a photo, so I blatantly ripped of this photo from Good Eats Blog.


  • 1 Boboli Thin Crust Pizza Crust (or roll out fresh dough into a thin crust--my favorite is Publix's bakery, but you have to specifically ask for it. Costs around $1.50)

  • 1 cup Pizza Sauce (I used Walmart Great Value Pizza Sauce--$1)

  • 4-5 large portabella mushroom caps

  • 1 small onion

  • 2 ounces of goat cheese (I used Trader Joe's--$2.98)

  • Seasoning to taste

  • EVOO
  1. Saute the onions in a skillet or wok with EVOO and seasoning to your taste, let caramelize. Add mushrooms and saute until soft. Set aside.

  2. Add 1 cup of pizza sauce to crust. Arrange mushrooms and onions all over pizza.

  3. Add "chunks" of goat cheese all over pizza.

  4. Bake 8-11 minutes, or until goat cheese is soft.

  5. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Free Chick-fil-a sandwich!

I love Chick-fil-A, but stupid Michigan doesn't have any. If you live in a cooler state, go to for a free chicken sandwich next week. Make your reservation now--they are filling up fast!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Work musings

Today was really challenging at work for the first time in a long time. Don't get me wrong--I work really hard, I deal with real crises a lot and I am in many ways the "bad guy" in my organization. People don't like me because it's my job to keep them accountable. However, I do not really have to think. I know the fundamentals and the counsel I have to give comes naturally.

Today I was challenged and got to think strategically, which reinvigorated me. Hooray! Hopefully tomorrow doesn't suck.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Losing weight...or trying

So, I started WeightWatchers again. While I am about the same size I was when I got married, I I want to lose weight. My goal is to lose about 40 pounds, which would put me right in the middle of my healthy "goal" weight. I am going to do this right and slowly.

When I got engaged, I immediately decided not to go on a crazy yo-yo diet like so many brides I knew. I wanted to look like me, and not like an emaciated version of myself. I never wanted anyone to look at my wedding photos and say "Wow, that doesn't even look like were so...thin." So I didn't lose weight. I maintained and made efforts to stay healthy at my size. I felt like a beautiful bride and I looked like me. Here's me:

I know I will need lots of support and help. My first goal is to ONLY bake things I don't like. It doesn't help that my husband has a sky-high metabolism and I work a zillion hours a week and eat at the office. BUT I know I am stubborn and if I set my mind to something I can do it.
Is anyone else out there on Weight Watchers? Do you have tips, tricks or advice you can offer?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Random thought

I love my new Vera Bradley celebrations book, that I got for $5 at the Vera Bradley outlet sale in Fort Wayne two weekends ago. It's helping me stay organized and remember important birthdays, events, etc. It's pretty awesome. By the way, people who complained about the outlet sale were lame. There was a ton of selection, and we went on the last day. We got gifts for the rest of the year (including a duffel for my sis) for less than $150.

I was also thinking about making a trip to the Lilly Pulitzer outlet sale in King of Prussia, PA. I have business I could conduct nearby so it could be a combined trip. Has anyone been?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Giveaway Saturday

This may be too good to be true, but How I Met Your Father is giving away Lilly Pulitzer spaghetti strap McKim sandals! Enter here. No wait, don't enter--I want to win!

Freebies and More is giving away $25 in organic Endangered Species Chocolate.

You can win a beautiful gold clutch, eight hand illustrated notecards, a vintage gold and ivory bracelet and a really cute headband from Fern and Flora if you enter here. Even if you don't win, you should visit her Etsy shop and drool over all of the cute stuff.

Finally, Pink Dandy Chatter is giving away 50 custom printed notecards with plain envelopes from I'm super excited about this one--we are sending thank you notes to everyone who attended our wedding. They'll go out on our first anniversary thanking everyone for their love and prayers over the past year!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Celebrity obsessed culture killing Democracy?

Is our celebrity-obsessed culture is killing democracy as we know it? My husband said today that he thinks "real" news gets overshadowed by drama daily, and as a result regular people don't really hear about things going on in the world unless they are really dramatic.

This week's TIME discusses how the tragic flooding in Nashville got lost in the coverage of the NYC bomb scare and the oil spill in the Gulf. And it's pretty dramatic--the whole city is under water.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Recipe of the week: chocolate peanut butter bacon truffles

I made chocolate peanut butter bacon truffles today. I don't eat bacon, but my husband and the neighbors think they are yummy. Based on the feedback I've gotten, I would strongly recommend this recipe from Splendid Table, my favorite NPR show. Just remember: LEAN bacon is important.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I used to blog. Then I got engaged, and my life became consumed with planning an amazing wedding (which it was, by the way). Then we moved across the country for my job and I started to work 80 hours a week in the cogs of corporate America.

And now I'm a newlywed and still working like crazy, but looking for a release. So I'm here and hoping this helps keep me sane.